TeenSpace Carrigtwohill

 A public space for teens

About us

We are Sinead and Brian, two creative digital media students in MTU. Together we worked on a digital socially engaged art project to design an outdoor public space for teenagers  in Carrigtwohill.

Our Idea

Through our research we discovered that there was no public space for teenagers of the area to use. Many young people from Carrigtwohill said that the local Centra was their favourite place to hang out. Others said that the pitch was their favourite place to go but this is more catered to those who like sport. 

We decided to design an outdoor public space for teenagers and young people of Carrigtwohill. We wanted this to be a safe space for them to go and meet their friends, have a chat, and just relax outside in an environment designed just for them.  

Our Process

Our process started out with designing fliers and sending them to local facebook groups to find participants from the area. Ideally we were looking for young people aged 14-17 to help us out so we could see exactly what the people from the area would like in a public space. 

We held our workshops over zoom and played games with our participants to see what kind of things they would want to see in our final design. We held a tutorial session on designing posters and let the participants design their own posters to show that they need a space like this. 

Here are some of the posters designed by local teenagers in our workshop 
