About The Carrigtwohill Project

The Carrigtwohill Project is a collaboration between students in Munster Technical University and various community groups in Carrigtwohill. The project uses creative digital media to capture the hopes and visions these groups have for their community and to communicate them to the wider community. This works towards "The Village Book" idea put forward by SECAD in their strategic development plan in 2017.

Carrigtwohill was chosen as a site for this work due to its strong community spirit, notable diversity and rich history. Carrigtwohill is unique in a number of ways. In the middle of the 1900's there was around 400 people in Carrigtwohill. Today there is over 5000 people, with around 40 languages spoken and 6 churches in the community. Carrigtwohill expanded by 323% between 2001 and 2011 and in the 2016 census of Ireland it was reported that the community expanded at about 4 times the national average. These are astonishing figures and reflect the diverse and dynamic nature of the community today. Of course questions arise on how best to support inclusion of new and old community members and how to ensure the community spirit and village feel endures in terms of friendliness and support for all residents. There are huge opportunities in having such a diverse population and we hope the visions of our participants as shown here communicate some of these opportunities!

Over the course of the project, nine groups of students collaborated with nine community groups to create the various digital work hosted on this site. Together, students and participants explored social themes important to the community members, created digital responses to these themes and ideas and are now communicating these ideas to the wider community in the nine projects presented here.

We hope you enjoy the work. Feel free to comment and share. We would love to hear your thoughts!

This project is part of digital socially engaged art research with rapidly expanding rural communities. It is in partnership with University College Cork and is funded by Munster Technical University. 

Special thanks to Mary Carey and Ollie Sheehan for their generosity of time and spirit, two outstanding community leaders!

Welcome banner around the Carrigtwohill Community Hall

Carrigtwohill Pride of Place winners 2017
