Carrigtwohill Hang Out

 Our Idea

About Us

For our project, we want to create a safe social area, for the teenagers of Carrigtwohill. We are interested in what it's like being a teenager in Carrigtwohill.

During our research, we watched a video on Carrigtwohill and we noticed that many teenagers said their favourite place was Centra.

We learned that there are not many facilities around for the teenagers of Carrigtwohill, so we want to create a new favourite space for these teenagers to go to. We want to talk to these teenagers, to be able to get their ideas on what they want to have in this social area.

From our own personal experiences, in the towns we grew up in, we too felt like their wasn't many facilities for us around. We would have loved to have a social area to go to. We have decided to give these teenagers the opportunity we never had, to have their opinions and ideas heard in order to be able to give them what they want.

We created posters in order to get our idea out there, so that we can attract attention to our idea.

These posters were then posted to our Instagram page so that we could try get as many people to know about our project as possible!

Our Instagram is @socialareacarrigtwohill


The Workshops 

We completed workshops on Zoom, with three teenagers from Carrigtwohill. In these workshops we asked them many different questions about Carrigtwohill such as:
  •     What do you like/dislike about Carrigtwohill?
  •     What do you think could be improved in Carrigtwohill?
  •     What would you like to have in this social area?
We then got the teenagers to put their ideas up on Google Jamboards. We asked these questions for the purpose that we can cater our idea to what the teenagers want. This social area is for the teenagers of Carrigtwohill, who better to ask about what to have in this social area than the teenagers of Carrigtwohill?

For our second workshop, we wanted to get ideas of what kind of video and poster designs the teenagers liked. We want our final posters and videos to be appealing to the teenagers as the social space is for them. We sent them multiple video and poster styles and asked them to pick their favourites and give us a brief description as to why.

We made the workshops as interactive as possible so that we were able to keep our participants interested in what we were doing. These workshops were a great success. We were given lots of great ideas and suggestions on how they would like our social area. This has been a great help to us as it has given us a very strong direction to go in for our final piece.

Here are the results we got from our first workshop:




We used the feedback that we got from our workshops to help us create a video. We have created this video based on where we want to have our social area and what we want it to look like. Our video includes footage of Carrigtwohill and footage of a 3D render of what we want our social area to look like.
